Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 1: A hodgepodge of Uselessness

I think i'll start this with a small collage of useless information.


In the movie "Toy Story", the carpet designs in Sid's hallway is the same as the carpet designs in "The Shining."


Dennis the Menace's favorite drink is Root beer.


Before 1859, baseball umpires were seated in padded chairs behind home plate.


A teenager in Belmont, New Hampshire robbed the local convenience store. Getting away with a pocket full of change, the boy walked home. He did not realize, however, that he had holes in both of his pockets. A trail of quarters and dimes led police directly to his house.


When Coca-Cola began to be sold in China, they used characters that would sound like "Coca-Cola" when spoken. Unfortunately, what they turned out to mean was "Bite the wax tadpole".


tune in for more :D

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